Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wendy Feidt Handmade Mohair Wigs


       In the wonderful world of dolls we are fortunate enough to work with some of the finest people in the world. Passionate about their art and their willingness to share.
        The doll makers, restoration artists, wig makers, cobblers, on and so forth...
        Among this delightful group is the creator of these wigs...In my opinion, they are among the finest mohair wigs anywhere...This amazing artist is Wendy Feidt....She has many sizes, colors and styles to chose from..Each and everyone is meticulously handmade using the finest English Mohair....But as with mostly everything creative and handcrafted there is one minor drawback... There is a waiting list...She does have some immediately for sale but the larger and more intricate styles are mostly made -to-order ...Please treat yourself to a visit on her web

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Original B.J.D. " Little Fingers" series

           This is one of our " Little Fingers" series of fairies...Only 6" tall with 11 points of articulation...She has found her way to her new home.... 
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Antique S.F.B.J. "Pouty"

          Found these gorgeous examples of this doll on Pinterest..( have her mold and sooooo looking forward to pouring her...( need to wait for the temps to cool a bit..Kiln in family room ) She is a VERY rare treasure, indeed.....Have a Blessed day..   
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cassandra Restoration....Composition

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Opening Our New Etsy Shoppe

   After putting everything off until tomorrow we are, finally, opening our Etsy Shoppe under the name "Marys Little Memories"..My daughter ( the other Mary) and I have so many ideas..It is a collaboration of talents, tastes and techniques....Our dolls will be our primary feature (  vintage dolls and new one of a kinds)..There will be clothing created for dolls of all sizes and shapes...I primarily focus on the collectable's and antique's  while Mary Jr. is more "up to date" and has a VERY modern vision.... We certainly won't be forgetting our furry friends....bears for every age and taste....
 Please stop by and visit...Truly hope that you will enjoy our shoppe and while you are there, please take the time to visit the other amazing Etsy artisans and merchants...There is something for everyone in every price range...